Friday, June 19, 2009

Historically Low Interested Rates - Now Is The Time To Save

Another important consideration that we want to share with many of our clients concerns debt management. With many Canadians worried about their jobs, and other financial insecurities, I believe that all my clients who have debt should take advantage of the historical low rates right now to consolidate and reduce the principal of their borrowings. Based on comments earlier this year from the Bank of Canada, I am confident that rates will stay low for at least the next year before they start rising again. The next 12 months represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to save on interest payments and put yourself in better financial shape for the future.

We believe that the The Manulife One Flexible Mortgage from Manulife Bank is the best solutions to help you achieve this goal. If you are not familiar with this product please check out the website at It should be noted that you don't have to wait until your mortgage renews to take advantage of Manulife One. Our banking consultant, Karen Clancy, can help you decide if it is in your best interest to pay a penalty to break out of your more expensive mortgage now and start saving interest payments immediately, or even consider opening a Manulife One account in a second position until your current mortgage renews.

For more information on Debt Managment Solutions, please visit

1 comment:


I was recently at chase thats JP morgan chase. And they were stating ten year CD'S at just 1% can you believe that.